
Journal Papers |  Conference Papers |  Patents

Journal Papers

  1. T. Etzion, E. Yaakobi, Error-Correction of Multidimensional Bursts, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 55 (2009), 961–976.
  2. A. Jiang, R. Mateescu, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Storage Coding for Wear Leveling in Flash Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 56 (2010), 5290–5299.
  3. E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Multiple Error-Correcting WOM-Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 58 (2012), 2220–2230.
  4. E. Yaakobi, S.Kayser, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Codes for Write-Once Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 58 (2012), 2220–2230.
  5. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, L. Dolecek, Graded Bit-Error-Correcting Codes with Applications to Flash Memory, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 59 (2013), 2315–2327.
  6. M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, Time-Space Constrained Codes for Phase-Change Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 59 (2013), 5102–5114.
  7. T. Etzion, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Coding for the Lee and Manhattan Metrics with Weighing Matrices, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 59 (2013), 6712–6723.
  8. E. Yaakobi, H. Mahdavifar, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Rewriting Codes for Flash Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 60 (2014), 964–975.
  9. M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, Optimized Cell Programming for Flash Memories with Quantizers, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 60 (2014), 2780–2795.
  10. M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, Constrained Codes that Mitigate Inter-cell Interference in Read/Write Cycles for Flash Memories, IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Comm., 32 (2014), 836–846.
  11. Y. Cassuto, E. Yaakobi, Short Q-ary Fixed-Rate WOM Codes for Guaranteed Re-writes and with Hot/Cold Write Differentiation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 60 (2014), 3942–3958.
  12. Y. Levi, J. Bruck, Y. Cassuto, E.G. Friedman, A. Kolodny, E. Yaakobi, S. Kvatinsky, Logic Operations in Memory Using a Memristive Akers Array, Microelectronics Journal (in press), (2014).
  13. E. Yaakobi, A. Shpilka, High Sum-Rate Three-Write and Non-Binary WOM Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 60 (2014), 7006–7015.
  14. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, L. Dolecek, Correcting Grain-Errors in Magnetic Media, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 61 (2015), 2256–2272.
  15. A. Fazeli, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Generalized Sphere Packing Bound, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 61 (2015), 2313–2334.
  16. E. En Gad, E. Yaakobi, A. Jiang, J. Bruck, Rank-Modulation Rewriting Codes for Flash Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 61 (2015), 4209–4226.
  17. F. Farnoud, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, Approximate Sorting of Data Streams with Limited Storage, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, (2015), 1–32.
  18. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, F. Farnoud, F. Sala, J. Bruck, and L. Dolecek, Codes Correcting Erasures and Deletions for Rank Modulation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 136–150.
  19. A. Wachter-Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Codes for Partially Stuck-at Memory Cells, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 639–654.
  20. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, On the Capacity of Constrained Permutation Codes for Rank Modulation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 1649–1666.
  21. E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P.H. Siegel, Constructions and Decoding of Cyclic Codes over $b$-Symbol Read Channels, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 1541–1551.
  22. M. Blaum, J. Plank, M. Schwartz, E. Yaakobi, Construction of Partial MDS (PMDS) and Sector-Disk (SD) Codes with Two Global Parity Symbols, 62 (2016) IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2673–2681.
  23. E. Yaakobi, R. Motwani, Construction of Random Input-Output Codes with Moderate Block Lengths,  IEEE Trans. Communications, 64 (2016), 1819–1828.
  24. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, T. Etzion, J. Bruck, Systematic Error-Correcting Codes for Permutations and Multi-Permutations, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 3113–3124.
  25. Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, E. Yaakobi , Information-Theoretic Sneak-Path Mitigation in Memristor Crossbar Arrays, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 4801–4813.
  26. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi , H. Uchikawa, P.H. Siegel, Binary Linear Locally Repairable Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62 (2016), 6268–6283.
  27. P. Huang, P.H. Siegel, E. Yaakobi , Performance of Multilevel Flash Memories with Different Binary Labelings: A Multi-User Perspective, IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Comm., 34 (2016), 2336–2353.
  28. C. Schoeny, A. Wachter-Zeh, R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi , Codes Correcting a Burst of Deletions or Insertions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 63 (2017) 1971–1985.
  29. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi , On the Capacity of Write-Once Memories,  to appear IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 63 (2017) 5124–5137.
  30. N. Raviv, E. Yaakobi, M. Médard, Coding for Locality in Reconstructing Permutations, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2017), 1–32.
  31. M. Langberg, M. Schwartz, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for the l-Limited Permutation Channel, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 63 (2017), 7676–7686.
  32. S. Buzaglo, Y. Cassuto, P.H. Siegel, and E. Yaakobi, Consecutive Switch Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64 (2018), 2485–2498.
  33. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, and O. Milenkovic, Codes in the Damerau Distance for DNA Storage, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64 (2018), 2550–2570.
  34. J. Aspnes, K. Censor-Hillel, E. Yaakobi, Concurrent Use of Write-Once Memory, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 113 (2018), 250–260.
  35. G. Yadgar, E. Yaakobi, F. Margaglia, Y. Li, A. Yucovich, N. Bundak, L. Gilon, N. Yakovi, A. Schuster, and A. Brinkmann, An Analysis of Flash Page Reuse with WOM Codes, IEEE Trans. Storage, 14 (2018), 10:1–10:39.
  36. R. Gabrys and E. Yaakobi, Sequence Reconstruction over the Deletion Channel, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64 (2018), 2924–2931.
  37. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Racetrack Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64 (2018), 7094–7112.
  38. H. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, and N. Silberstein, Multiset Combinatorial Batch Codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2018), 1–16.
  39. N. Raviv, M. Schwartz, and E. Yaakobi, Rank Modulation Codes for DNA Storage, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 50–64.
  40. A. Lenz, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Duplication-Correcting Codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87 (2019), 277–298.
  41. H. Asi and E. Yaakobi, Nearly Optimal Constructions of PIR and Batch Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 947–964.
  42. M. Horovitz and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction of Sequences over Non-Identical Channels, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 1267–1286.
  43. M. Levy and E. Yaakobi, Mutually Uncorrelated Codes for DNA Storage, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 3671–3691.
  44. E. Yaakobi and J. Bruck, On the Uncertainty of Information Retrieval in Associative Memories, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 2155–2165.
  45. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, M. Blaum, and P.H. Siegel, Constructions of Partial MDS Codes over Small Fields, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 65 (2019), 3692–3701.
  46. L. Yohananov and E. Yaakobi, Codes for Graph Erasures, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 65 (2019), 5433– 5453.
  47. O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, and E. Yaakobi, Bounds and Constructions of Codes over Symbol-Pair Read Channels, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 66 (2020), 1385–1395.
  48. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, and E. Yaakobi, Explicit and Efficient WOM Codes of Finite-Length, 66 (2020), 2669–2682.
  49. A. Lenz, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Coding over Sets for DNA Storage, 66 (2020), 2331–2351.
  50. N. Raviv, I. Tamo, and E. Yaakobi, Private Information Retrieval in Graph Based Replication Systems, 66 (2020), 3590–3602.
  51. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi, and P.H. Siegel, Multi-Erasure Locally Recoverable Codes over Small Fields: Algebraic and Probabilistic Views, 66 (2020), 2609–2624.
  52. L. Yohananov, Y. Efron, and E. Yaakobi, Double and Triple Node-Erasure-Correcting Codes over Graphs, 66 (2020), 4089–4103.
  53. Y. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, and T. Etzion, Bounds on the Length of Functional PIR and Batch codes, 66 (2020), 4917–4934.
  54. A. Lenz, C. Rashtchian, P.H. Siegel, and E. Yaakobi, Covering Codes for Insertions and Deletions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 3376–3388.
  55. L. Yohananov and E. Yaakobi, Codes over Trees, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 3599–3622.
  56. O. Sabary, Y. Orlev, R. Shafir, L. Anavy, E. Yaakobi, and Z. Yakhini, SOLQC: Synthetic Oligo Library Quality Control Tool, Bioinformatics, 37 (2021) 720–722.
  57. S. Kurz and E. E. Yaakobi, PIR Codes with Short Block Length, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 89 (2021), 559–587.
  58. S. Marcovich and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction of Strings from their Substrings Spectrum, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 4369–4384.
  59. O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, and  M. Medardi, Repeat-Free Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 5749–5764.
  60. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, S. Rao, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, and H. Yao, On the Number of Distinct k-Decks: Enumeration and Bounds, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2021.
  61. L. Holzbaur, S. Puchinger, E. Yaakobi, and A. Wachter-Zeh, Partial MDS Codes with Local Regeneration, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 6425–6441.
  62. M. Abu Sini and E. Yaakobi, On Levenshtein’s Reconstruction Problem under Insertions, Deletions, and Substitutions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 7132–7158.
  63. Y. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, and T. Etzion, Private Proximity Retrieval Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 74587476.
  64. Y.-M. Chee, T. Etzion, H.-M. Kiah, S. Marcovich, V.-K. Vu, A. Vardy, and E. Yaakobi, Constrained de Bruijn Codes: Properties, Enumeration, Constructions, and Applications, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 7857–7875.
  65. R. Bitar, I. Smagloy, L. Welter, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Criss-Cross Insertion and Deletion Correcting Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 7999–8015.
  66. L. Holzbaur, R. Polyanskaya, N. Polyanskii, I. Vorobyev, and E. Yaakobi, Lifted Reed-Solomon Codes and Lifted Multiplicity Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 67 (2021), 8051–8069.
  67. H.-Y. Lin, S. Kumar, E. Rosnes, A. Graell i Amat, and E. Yaakobi, The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Inform. Theory, 2 (2021), 415–427.
  68. K. Cai, H.-M. Kiah, T.-T. Nguyen, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Sequence Reconstruction for Single Edits, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 66–79.
  69. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi, E. En Gad, and J. Bruck, Iterative Programming of Noisy Memory Cells, IEEE Trans. Comm., 70 (2022), 769–782.
  70. M. Nassar and E. Yaakobi, Array Codes for Functional PIR and Batch Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 839–862.
  71. H.-Y. Lin, S. Kumar, E. Rosnes, A. Graell i Amat, and E. Yaakobi, Multi-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 1197–1219.
  72. T. Shinkar, E. Yaakobi, A. Lenz, and A. Wachter-Zeh, Clustering-Correcting Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 1560–1580.
  73. Y.-M. Chee, M. Horovitz, V.-K. Vu, E. Yaakobi, and A. Vardy, Endurance-Limited Memories: Capacity and Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 1599–1613.
  74. R. Bitar, I. Smagloy, L. Welter, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Multiple Criss-Cross Insertion and Deletion Correcting Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 3767–3779.
  75. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, and E. Yaakobi, Correcting Deletions with Multiple Reads, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 7141–7158.
  76. L. Yohananov and E. Yaakobi, Almost Optimal Construction of Functional Batch Codes Using Hadamard Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), 6434–6451.
  77. D. Bar-Lev, T. Etzion, and E. Yaakobi, On the Size of Balls and Anticodes of Small Diameter under the Fixed-Length Levenshtein Metric, 69 (2023), 2324–2340.
  78. S. Marcovich, T. Etzion, and E. Yaakobi, On Hierarchies of Balanced Sequences, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 2923–2939.
  79. A. Lenz, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, The Noisy Drawing Channel: Reliable Data Storage in DNA Sequences, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 2757–2778.
  80. A. Lenz, R. Bitar, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Function-Correcting Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 5604–5618.
  81. Y. Yehezkeally, D. Bar-Lev, S. Marcovich, and E. Yaakobi, Generalized Unique Reconstruction from Substrings, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 5648–5659.
  82. S. Marcovich and E. Yaakobi, The Zero Cubes Free and Cubes Unique Multidimensional Constraints, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 6358–6375.
  83. Y. Yehezkeally, D. Bar-Lev, S. Marcovich, and E. Yaakobi, Adversarial Torn-paper Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 69 (2023), 6414–6427.
  84. A. Vardy and E. Yaakobi, Private Information Retrieval without Storage Overhead: Coding Instead of Replication, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Inform. Theory, 4 (2023), 286–301.
  85. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, and E. Yaakobi, Bee Identification Problem for DNA Strands, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Inform. Theory, 4 (2023), 190–204.
  86. A. Banerjee, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Insertion and Deletion Correction in Polymer-based Data Storage, 69 (2023), 4384–4406.
  87. M. Abu-Sini and E. Yaakobi, On the Intersection of Multiple Insertion (or Deletion) Balls and its Application to List Decoding under the Reconstruction Model, to appear IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory.
  88. I. Smagloy, L. Welter, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Single-Deletion Single-Substitution Correcting Codes, to appear IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory.
  89. Y. Nogin, D. Bar-Lev, D. Hanania, T. Detinis Zur, Y. Ebenstein, E. Yaakobi, N. Weinberger, and Y. Shechtman, Design of Optimal Labeling Patterns for Optical Genome Mapping via Information The- ory to appear Bioinformatics.
  90. R. Shafir, O. Sabary, L. Anavy, E. Yaakobi, and Z. Yakhini, Sequence Reconstruction Under Stutter Noise in Enzymatic DNA Synthesis, to appear IEEE Trans. Comm.
  91. Y.-M. Chee, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Transverse-Read-Codes for Domain Wall Memories, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Inform. Theory, 4 (2023), 784–793.
  92. O. Sabary, A. Yucovich, G. Shapira, and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction Algorithms for DNA-Storage Systems, to appear Scientific Reports.

Conference Papers

  1. E. Yaakobi, T. Etzion, Error Correction of Multidimensional Bursts, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Nice, France (June 2009), 1178–1182.
  2. E. Yaakobi, A. Vardy, P.H. Siegel, J.K. Wolf, Multidimensional Flash Codes, textitProc. 46-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, (September 2008).
  3. A. Jiang, R. Mateescu, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Storage Coding for Wear Leveling in Flash Memories, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Seoul, Korea (June 2009), 1234–1238.
  4. H. Mahdavifar, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, E. Yaakobi, A Nearly Optimal Construction of Flash Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Seoul, Korea (June 2009), 1239–1243.
  5. L. Grupp, A. Caulfield, J. Coburn, S. Swanson, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, J.K. Wolf, Characterizing Flash Memory: Anomalies, Observations, and Applications, Proc. of the 42nd Int’l Symp. on Microarchitecture (MICRO 09), New-York, New-York (December 2009), 24–33.
  6. E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Multiple Error-Correcting WOM-Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Austin, Texas (June 2010), 1933–1937.
  7. E. Yaakobi, T. Etzion, High Dimensional Error-Correcting Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Austin, Texas (June 2010), 1178–1182.
  8. E. Yaakobi, S. Kayser, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Efficient Two-Write WOM-Codes, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Dublin, Ireland (August-September 2010).
  9. E. Yaakobi, A. Jiang, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, On The Parallel Programming of Flash Memory Cells, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Dublin, Ireland (August-September 2010).
  10. T. Etzion, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Dense Error-Correcting Codes in the Lee Metric, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Dublin, Ireland (August-September 2010).
  11. S. Kayser, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Multiple-Write WOM-Codes, Proc. 48-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, Illinois (September 2010).
  12. E. Yaakobi, J. Ma, L. Grupp, P.H. Siegel, S. Swanson, J.K. Wolf, Error Characterization and Coding Schemes for Flash Memories, Proc. Workshop on the Application of Communication Theory to Emerging Memory Technologies, Miami, Florida (December 2010).
  13. E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, On Codes that Correct Asymmetric Errors with Graded Magnitude Distribution, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia (July 2011), 1021–1025.
  14. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, L. Dolecek, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, Non-binary WOM-Codes for Multilevel Flash Memories, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Paraty, Brazil (October 2011), 40–44.
  15. M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, Time-Space Constrained Codes for Phase-Change Memories, Globecom Communications Conference, Houston, Texas (December 2011), 1–6.
  16. E. Yaakobi, L. Grupp, P.H. Siegel, S. Swanson, J.K.Wolf, Characterization and Error-Correcting Codes for TLC Flash Memories, Proc. Int’l Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Data Storage Technology and Applications Symposium, Maui, Hawaii (January-February 2012), 486–491.
  17. Y. Cassuto, E. Yaakobi, Short Q-ary WOM Codes with Hot/Cold Write Differentiation, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 1396–1400.
  18. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, L. Grupp, S. Swanson, L. Dolecek, Tackling Intracell Variability in TLC Flash Through Tensor Product Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 1005–1009.
  19. M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, Optimized Cell Programming for Flash Memories with Quantizers, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 1000-1004.
  20. L. Wang, M. Qin, E. Yaakobi, Y.-H. Kim, P.H. Siegel, WOM with Retained Messages, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 1401–1405.
  21. E. Yaakobi, A. Shpilka, High Sum-Rate Three-Write and Non-Binary WOM Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 1391–1395.
  22. E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, On the Uncertainty of Information Retrieval in Associative Memories, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 106–110.
  23. E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P.H. Siegel, Decoding of Cyclic Codes over Symbol-Pair Read Channels, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2012), 2901–2905.
  24. L. Xiang, B.M. Kurkoski, E. Yaakobi, WOM Codes Reduce Write Amplification in NAND Flash Memory, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Anaheim, California (December 2012), 3249–3254.
  25. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, T. Etzion, Error-Correcting Codes for Multipermutations, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 724–728.
  26. Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, E. Yaakobi, Sneak-Path Constraints in Memristor Crossbar Arrays, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 156–160.
  27. E. En Gad, E. Yaakobi, A. Jiang,J. Bruck, Rank-Modulation Rewriting Codes for Flash Memories, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 704–708.
  28. T. Etzion, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Coding for the Lee and Manhattan Metrics with Weighing Matrices, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 494–498.
  29. F. Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), E. Yaakobi, B. Touri, O. Milenkovic, J. Bruck, Building Consensus via Iterative Voting, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 1082–1086.
  30. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, L. Dolecek, Correcting Grain-Errors in Magnetic Recording Media, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 689–693.
  31. E. Yaakobi, A. Jiang, J. Bruck, Akers Logic Array Memories, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 2369–2373.
  32. E. Yaakobi, M. Langberg, J. Bruck, Information-Theoretic Study of Voting Systems, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 1087–1091.
  33. E. Yaakobi, M. Schwartz, M. Langberg, J. Bruck, Sequence Reconstruction for Grassmann Graphs and Permutations, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey (July 2013), 874–878.
  34. M. Blaum, J.S. Plank, M. Schwartz, E. Yaakobi, Construction of Partial MDS (PMDS) and Sector-Disk (SD) Codes with Two Global Parity Symbols, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 1792–1796.
  35. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, Constrained Codes for Rank Modulation, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 2396-2400.
  36. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, T. Etzion, J. Bruck, Systematic Codes for Rank Modulation, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 2386–2390.
  37. A. Fazeli, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Generalized Sphere Packing Bound: Basic Principles, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 1256–1260.
  38. A. Fazeli, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Generalized Sphere Packing Bound: Applications, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 1261–1265.
  39. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, F. Farnoud, J. Bruck, Codes Correcting Erasures and Deletions for Rank Modulation, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 2759–2763.
  40. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, F. Farnoud, F. Sala, J. Bruck, L. Dolecek, Single-Deletion-Correcting Codes over Permutations, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Honolulu, Hawaii (June-July 2014), 2764–2768.
  41. Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, E. Yaakobi, On the Channel Induced by Sneak-Path Errors in Memristor Arrays, Int’l Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), invited paper, India, (July 2014).
  42. F. Farnoud, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, Approximate Sorting of Data Streams with Limited Storage, Proc. 20-th Int’l Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (August 2014), 465–476.
  43. R. Motwani, E. Yaakobi, Construction of Random Input-Output Codes with Moderate Block Lengths, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (November 2014), 602–606.
  44. A. Wachter-Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Codes for Partially Stuck-at Memory Cells, Proc. 10-th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding, Hamburg, Germany, (February 2015).
  45. G. Yadgar, E. Yaakobi, A. Schuster, Write Once, Get 50% Free: Saving SSD Erase Costs Using WOM Codes, Usenix FAST, Santa Clara, CA, (February 2015).
  46. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi, WOM Codes with Uninformed Encoder, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel, (April-May 2015).
  47. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi, H. Uchikawa, P.H. Siegel, Cyclic Linear Binary Locally Repairable Codes, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel, (April-May 2015).
  48. A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Codes for RAID Solutions based upon SSDs, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel, (April-May 2015).
  49. A. Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Optimal Linear and Cyclic Locally Repairable Codes over Small Fields, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel, (April-May 2015).
  50. S. Buzaglo, P.H. Siegel, E. Yaakobi, Coding Schemes for Inter-Cell Interference in Flash Memory, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Hong Kong (June 2015), 1736–1740.
  51. A. Fazeli, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Codes for Distributed PIR with Optimal Storage Overhead, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Hong Kong (June 2015), 2852–2856.
  52. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi, H. Uchikawa, P.H. Siegel, Linear Locally Repairable Codes with Availability, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Hong Kong (June 2015), 1871–1875.
  53. M. Langberg, M. Schwartz, E. Yaakobi, Coding for the l Limited Permutation Channel, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Hong Kong (June 2015), 1936–1940.
  54. E. Yaakobi, A. Yucovich, G. Maor, G. Yadgar, When Do WOM Codes Improve the Erasure Factor in Flash Memories?, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Hong Kong (June 2015), 2091–2095.
  55. G. Yadgar, R. Shor, E. Yaakobi, A. Schuster, It’s Not Where Your Data Is, It’s How It Got There, HotStorage, Santa Clara, CA, (July 2015).
  56. A. Wachter-Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Masking Trapped Charge in Flash Memories, Proc. 48-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, (Sep.-Oct. 2015).
  57. F. Margaglia, G. Yadgar, E. Yaakobi, Y. Li, A. Schuster, A. Brinkmann, The Devil Is in the Details: Implementing Flash Page Reuse with WOM Codes, Usenix FAST, Santa Clara, CA, (February 2016).
  58. S. Buzaglo, E. Yaakobi, Y. Cassuto, P.H. Siegel, Consecutive Switch Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 660–664.
  59. Y. Cassuto, S. Kvatinsky, E. Yaakobi, Write Sneak-Path Constraints Avoiding Disturbs in Memristor Crossbar Arrays, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 950–954.
  60. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, O. Milenkovic, Codes in the Damerau Distance for DNA Storage, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 1596–1600.
  61. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, Sequence Reconstruction over the Deletion Channel, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 2644–2648.
  62. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi, On the Capacity of Non-Binary Write-Once Memory, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 945–949.
  63. P. Huang, P.H. Siegel, E. Yaakobi, Performance of Flash Memories with Different Binary Labelings: A Multi-User Perspective, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 955–959.
  64. N. Raviv, E. Yaakobi, M. Médard, Coding for Locality in Reconstructing Permutations, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 450–454.
  65. C. Schoeny, A. Wachter-Zeh, R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, Codes Correcting a Burst of Deletions or Insertions, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 630–634.
  66. A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Constructions of Batch Codes with Optimal Redundancy, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 1197–1201.
  67. A. Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Bounds and Constructions of Codes with Multiple Localities, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain (July 2016), 640–644.
  68. J. Aspnes, K. Censor-Hillel, E. Yaakobi , Concurrent Use of Write-Once Memory, SIROCCO,  Helsinki, Finland, (July 2016 ), 127–142.
  69. H. Asi, E. Yaakobi, Nearly Optimal Constructions of PIR and Batch Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 151–155.
  70. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, E. Yaakobi, Coding for Racetrack Memories, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 619–623.
  71. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, Explicit Constructions of Finite-Length WOM Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 2870–2874.
  72. R. Gabrys, E. Yaakobi, M. Blaum, P.H. Siegel, Constructions of Partial MDS Codes over Small Fields, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 1–5.
  73. I. Haviv, M. Langberg, M. Schwartz, E. Yaakobi, Non-linear Cyclic Codes that Attain the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 586–588.
  74. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction of Sequences over Non-Identical Channels, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 1510–1514.
  75. M. Levy, E. Yaakobi, Mutually Uncorrelated Codes for DNA Storage, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 3125–3129.
  76. N. Raviv, M. Schwartz, E. Yaakobi, Rank Modulation Codes for DNA Storage, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 3135–3139.
  77. L. Yohananov, E. Yaakobi, Erasure Correcting Graph Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 844–848.
  78. H. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, N. Zilberstein, Multiset Combinatorial Batch Codes, Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany (July 2017), 2188–2192.
  79. A. Lenz, A. Wachter-Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Bounds on Codes Correcting Tandem and Palindromic Duplications, Proc. the Tenth Int’l Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (September 2017).
  80. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi, and P.H. Siegel, Multi-Erasure Locally Recoverable Codes Over Small Fields, Proc. 55-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, (October 2017), 1123–1130.
  81. L. Yohananov and E. Yaakobi, Codes for Erasures over Directed Graphs, Information Theory Workshop, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (November 2017), 116–120.
  82. P. Huang, E. Yaakobi, and P.H. Siegel, Ladder Codes: A Class of Error-Correcting Codes with Multi-Level Shared Redundancy, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Comm., Kansas City, Missouri (May 2018).
  83. R. Shor, G. Yadgar, W. Huang, E. Yaakobi, and J. Bruck, How to Share a Really Big Secret, 11th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2018), Haifa, Israel, (June 2018), 76–88.
  84. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Codes Correcting Limited-Shift Errors in Racetrack Memories, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Vail, Colorado (June 2018).
  85. O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, and E. Yaakobi, Bounds and Constructions of Codes over Symbol-Pair Read Channels, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Vail, Colorado (June 2018).
  86. A. Lenz, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Coding over Sets for DNA Storage, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Vail, Colorado (June 2018).
  87. E. Yaakobi, G. Yadgar, N. Bundak, and L. Gilon, A Case for Biased Programming in Flash, 10th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage), Boston, CA, (July 2018).
  88. Y.-M. Chee, M. Horovitz, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Codes for Endurance-Limited Memories, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Singapore (October 2018).
  89. Y.-M. Chee, R. Gabrys, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Exact Reconstruction from Deletions and Substitutions in Racetrack Memories, Information Theory Workshop, Guangzhou, China (November 2018).
  90. M. Abu-Sini and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction of Sequences in DNA Storage, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 290–294.
  91. Y.-M. Chee, T. Etzion, H.-M. Kiah, V.-K. Vu, A. Vardy, and E. Yaakobi, Bounded De Bruijn Code and Its Applications, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 2369–2373.
  92. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, A.J.H. Vinck, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Write `-step-up Memories, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 1597–1601.
  93. Y.-M. Chee, H.-M. Kiah, E. Yaakobi, and H. Zhang, A Generalization of Blackburn-Etzion Construction for PIR Array Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 1062–1066.
  94. O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, M. Médard, and E. Yaakobi, Repeat-Free Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 932–936.
  95. T. Etzion, O.W. Gnilke, D. Karpuk, E. Yaakobi, and Y. Zhang, Private Proximity Retrieval, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 2119–2123.
  96. A. Lenz, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Correcting Substitution Errors in Indexed Sets, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 757–761.
  97. H.-Y. Lin, S. Kumar, E. Rosnes, A. Graell i Amat, and E. Yaakobi, Weak Private Information Retrieval, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 1257–1261.
  98. T. Shinkar, E. Yaakobi, A. Lenz, and A. Wachter-Zeh, Clustering-Correcting Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 81–85.
  99. L. Yohananov, Y. Efron, and E. Yaakobi, Double and Triple Node-Erasure-Correcting Codes over Graphs, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 1582–1586.
  100. Y. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, and T. Etzion, Bounds on the Length of Functional PIR and Batch Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 2129–2133.
  101. Y. Zhang, E. Yaakobi, T. Etzion, and M. Schwartz, On the Access Complexity of PIR Schemes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Paris, France (July 2019), 2134–2138.
  102. Y.-M. Chee, M. Horovitz, V.-K. Vu„ E. Yaakobi, and A. Vardy, Endurance-Limited Memories with Informed Decoder, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Frisby, Sweden (August 2019).
  103. M. Horovitz, E. Yaakobi, E. En Gad, and J. Bruck, Iterative Programming of Noisy Memory Cells, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Frisby, Sweden (August 2019).
  104. A. Lenz, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, An Upper Bound on the Capacity of the DNA Storage Channel, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Frisby, Sweden (August 2019).
  105. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, S. Rao, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, and H. Yao, On the Number of Distinct k-Decks: Enumeration and Bounds, Int’l Symp. on Communications and Information Technologies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (September 2019).
  106. R. Gabrys, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, E. Yaakobi, and Y. Zhang, Locally Balanced Constraints, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 664–669.
  107. L. Holzbaur, S. Puchinger, E. Yaakobi, and A.Wachter-Zeh, Partial MDS Codes with Local Regeneration, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 628–635.
  108. H.-M. Kiah, T.-T. Nguyen, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Sequence Reconstruction for Single Edits, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 676–681.
  109. A. Lenz, Y. Liu, C. Rashtchian, P.H. Siegel, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Efficient DNA Synthesis, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 2903–2908.
  110. A. Lenz, C. Rashtchian, P.H. Siegel, and E. Yaakobi, Covering Codes for Insertions and Deletions, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 723–728.
  111. H.-Y. Lin, S. Kumar, E. Rosnes, A. Graell i Amat, and E. Yaakobi, The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly- Private Information Retrieval, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 1053–1058.
  112. S. Marcovich and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction of Strings from their Substrings Spectrum, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 658–663.
  113. M. Nassar and E. Yaakobi, Array Codes for Functional PIR and Batch Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 1024–1029.
  114. O. Sabary, E. Yaakobi, and A. Yucovich, The Error Probability of Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over Two Deletion/Insertion Channels, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 763–768.
  115. I. Smagloy, L. Welter, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Single-Deletion Single-Substitution Correcting Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 775–780.
  116. L. Yohananov and E. Yaakobi, Codes over Trees, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Los Angeles, California, (June 2020), 670–675.
  117. O. Sabary, A. Yucovich, G. Shapira, and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction Algorithms for DNA-Storage Systems, 26th Int’l Conf. on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, (September 2020).
  118. R. Bitar, I. Smagloy, L. Welter, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Criss-Cross Deletion Correcting Codes, to appear Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Kapolei, Hawai’i, (October 2020), 304–308.
  119. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, and E. Yaakobi, Optimal Reconstruction Codes for Deletion Channels, to appear Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Kapolei, Hawai’i, (October 2020) 279–283.
  120. R. Gabrys, P.H. Siegel, and E. Yaakobi, Segmented Reverse Concatenation: A New Approach to Constrained ECC, to appear Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Kapolei, Hawai’i, (October 2020), 254–258.
  121. M. Abu-Sini and E. Yaakobi, On List Decoding of Insertions and Deletions under the Reconstruction Model, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1707–1711.
  122. D. Bar-Lev, Y. Gershon, O. Sabary, and E. Yaakobi, Decoding for Optimal Expected Normalized Distance over the t-Deletion Channel, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1847–1852.
  123. D. Bar-Lev, T. Etzion, and E. Yaakobi, On Levenshtein Balls with Radius One, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1979–1984.
  124. Y.-M. Chee, A. Vardy, V.-K. Vu, and E. Yaakobi, Coding for Transverse-Reads in Domain Wall Memories, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1924–1929.
  125. L. Holzbaur, S. Puchinger, E. Yaakobi, and A. Wachter-Zeh, Correctable Erasure Patterns in Product Topologies, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 2054–2059.
  126. A. Lenz, R. Bitar, A. Wachter-Zeh, E. Yaakobi, Function-Correcting Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1290–1295.
  127. S. Marcovich, T. Etzion, and E. Yaakobi, Balanced de Bruijn Sequences, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 1528–1533.
  128. L. Welter, R. Bitar, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Multiple Criss-Cross Deletion-Correcting Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 2798–2803.
  129. L. Yohananov, E. Yaakobi, Almost Optimal Construction of Functional Batch Codes Using Hadamard Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Melbourne, Australia, (July 2021), 3139–3144.
  130. D. Bar-Lev, O. Sabary, Y. Gershon, and E. Yaakobi, The Intersection of Insertion and Deletion Balls, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Kanazawa, Japan, (October 2021).
  131. R. Shafir, O. Sabary, L. Anavy, E. Yaakobi, and Z. Yakhini, Sequence Reconstruction Under Stutter Noise in Enzymatic DNA Synthesis, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Kanazawa, Japan, (October 2021).
  132. Y. Yehezkeally, S. Marcovich, and E. Yaakobi, Multi-strand Reconstruction from Substrings, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Kanazawa, Japan, (October 2021).
  133. A. Banerjee, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Insertion and Deletion Correction in Polymer-Based Data Storage, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 742–747.
  134. D. Bar-Lev, S. Marcovich, E. Yaakobi, and Y. Yehezkeally, Adversarial Torn-Paper Codes, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 2947–2952.
  135. A. Barg, O. Elishco, R. Gabrys, and E. Yaakobi, Recoverable Systems on Lines and Grids, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 2656–2661.
  136. J. Chrisnata, H.-M. Kiah, A. Vardy, and E. Yaakobi, Bee Identification for DNA Strands, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 909–914.
  137. S. Marcovich, T. Etzion, and E. Yaakobi, Covering Sequences for $\ell$-Tuples, IEEE Int’l Symp.\ on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 43–48.
  138. N. Raviv, R. Bitar, and E. Yaakobi, Information Theoretic Private Inference in Quantized Models, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 1689–1694.
  139. E. Stylianou, L. Welter, R. Bitar, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Equivalence of Insertion/Deletion Correcting Codes for $d$-Dimensional Arrays, IEEE Int’l Symp.\on Information Theory, Aalto, Finland, (June-July 2022), 754–759.
  140. A. Kobovich, O. Leitersdorf, D. Bar-Lev, and E. Yaakobi, Codes for Constrained Periodicity, Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Tsukuba, Japan (October 2022).
  141. Y. Yehezkeally, D. Bar-Lev, S. Marcovich, and E. Yaakobi, Reconstruction from Substrings with Partial Overlap, Int’l Symp. on Information Theory and Its Applications, Tsukuba, Japan (October 2022).
  142. S. Marcovich and E. Yaakobi, The Zero Cubes Free and Cubes Unique Multidimensional Constraints, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Bumbai, India, (November 2022).
  143. S. Sighvi, O. Sabary, D. Bar-Lev, and E. Yaakobi, The Input and Output Entropies of the k-Deletion/Insertion Channel, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Bumbai, India, (November 2022).
  144. M. Abu-Sini, A. Lenz, and E. Yaakobi, DNA Synthesis Using Shortmers, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 585–590.
  145. A. Banerjee, Y. Yehezkeally, A. Wachter-Zeh, and E. Yaakobi, Error-Correcting Codes for Nanopore Sequencing, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 364–369.
  146. D. Bar-Lev, A. Mizrahi, E. Yaakobi, O. Rottenstreich, and T. Etzion, Coding for IBLTs with Listing Guarantees, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 1657–1662.
  147. D. Bar-Lev, O. Sabary, R. Gabrys, and E. Yaakobi, Cover Your Bases: How to Minimize the Sequencing Coverage in DNA Storage Systems, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 370–375.
  148. A. Boruchovsky, D. Bar-Lev, and E. Yaakobi, DNA Correcting Codes: End-To-End Correction in DNA Storage Systems, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 579–584.
  149. Y.-M. Chee, T. Etzion, K.A.S. Immink, T.-T. Nguyen, V.-K. Vu, J.H. Weber, and E. Yaakobi, Thermal-Aware Channel Capacity, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 2661–2666.
  150. D. Hanania, D. Bar-Lev, Y. Nogin, Y. Shechtman, and E. Yaakobi, On the Capacity of DNA Labeling, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 567-572.
  151. C. Hofmeister, L. Masny, E. Yaakobi, and R. Bitar, Trading Communication for Computation in Byzantine-Resilient Gradient Coding, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 1985–1990.
  152. S. Singhvi, A. Boruchovsky, H.-M. Kiah, and E. Yaakobi, Data-Driven Bee Identification for DNA Strands, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Information Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, (June 2023), 797–802.
  153. A. Mizrahi, D. Bar-Lev, E. Yaakobi, and O. Rottenstreich, Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables with Listing Guarantees, to appear ACM Sigmetrics/IFIP Performance, Venice, Italy, (June 2024).
  154. A. Kobovich, E. Yaakobi, and N. Weinberger, M-DAB: An Input-Distribution Optimization Algorithm for Composite DNA Storage by the Multinomial Channel, to appear 2024 International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication, Zurich, Switzerland, (March 2024).



  1. E. Yaakobi, S. Kayser, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, “Efficient Two Write WOM Codes, Coding Methods and Devices,” Patent No. US 2013/0080681 A1 (March 2013).
  2. E. Yaakobi, P.H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J.K. Wolf, “Strong Single and Multiple Error Correcting WOM Codes, Coding Methods and Devices,” Patent No. US 2013/0091402 A1 (April 2013).
  3. A. Jiang, E. En Gad, J. Bruck, E. Yaakobi, “Rank-Modulation Rewriting Codes for Flash Memories,” Patent No. US 2013/0254466 A1 (Spetember 2013).
  4. A. Schuster, E. Yaakobi, G. Yadgar, “Reusable memory devices with WOM codes,” Patent No. WO2016116930 A1 (July 2016).
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